Holding on

Pushing my limits lately, running from one place to the other; endless hours in front of the computer, books, documents, drawings… Hard to hold on sometimes, and after I finish with this, there’re so many things about my life that I still have to sort out...mmgh :( I wish I could just sleep this through…
Today Eoin left, and I cried, I hate good byes.
Tomorrow I’m supposed to submit my final draft for dissertation…far from being ready.
Anyway, sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down; now I just have to breath… take a look at the view… and keep walking.
Picture taken exactly a month ago, sunset from Café del Mar, Ibiza;
Very nice.
In need of a miracle.
I need divine intervention! I’m not gonna make it! I’m not gonna make it! .. Three weeks time to hand in my Dissertation and I still have to write more than half of it in half the time! I’m even praying to San Jose de Cupertino, Saint of students, (yes, I believe in God, Mary, the saints, the angels, ghosts, everyone above). Why did I came to do a master degree? Why did I came so far away from home, Why?... Crap, tomorrow I have an emergency meeting with my supervisors, and I have to show my draft, ha! Draft.. is that a club in Ibiza? . I’m sure they are going to yell at me, Julienne might even have a heart attack, gosh.
I have only had this feeling once, years ago, at uni; it was 5am and I was still working on mi model for a 7am presentation with Lenoir and his chambers of torture (those who’ve been in his class know what I mean). I remember calmly staring at my model, accepting the defeat. I’m tired of eating sandwiches and drinking coffee, thanks to God and the Internet, at least now we don’t have to listen 500 times the same CD.
And although everyone around me is working on their dissertations as well, I feel that I’m doing worse than everyone. Hope my mom is praying for me, she is a saint, they will listen to her. From now on I’m going to be a good girl, for real. I’ll light a candle tonight.
'Ora si me esta cargando la chingada, no la libro pa acabar la tesis, ya hasta le estoy rezando a San Jose de Cupertino, patron de los estudiantes. Pa que me vine a hacer una maestria, pa que me vine tan lejos, a ver... Me lleva, mañana tengo junta urgente con mis supervisores para mostrar avance, y mi avance se quedo en las playas del Mediterraneo, me cae.
Me recuerda entregas finales del Tec, con Lenoir y sus camaras de tortura. Ya me canse de comer lonches y de tomar cafe, gracias a Dios y al internet al menos ahora uno no tiene que escuchar 500 veces el mismo CD.
Me quedan tres semanas, a ver si la libro. Y todo mundo anda en friega, pero no se, yo siento que voy peor que todos. Ojala mi mamacita santa este rezando por mi, a ella si le hacen caso, no que a mi, pecadora, ya voy a llevar una vida dedicada al bien, enserio. Hoy si prendo la veladora.
A toast for love.

Today my blog is dedicated to love; to Lili and Henry’s love, and the love they share with others, to friendship, the basic ingredient of love. ‘Cause that’s what they are, true friends. Today is my friends' wedding, and I’m sure is gonna be a tremendous party. I met Henry almost a couple of years ago, a French guy who was really quick to learn not just the language but the jokes and humor of a crazy nation like Mexico; that tells you how generous he is, he was not the kind of person who goes somewhere as an outsider, not at all, he doesn’t needs too work hard to “fit in” ‘cause he’s just enjoying life, playing like a kid, a really authentic guy. Henry was the first person with who I visited cantinas in Chihuahua (yes, like the dog, but that’s also a city in the north of Mexico), he loves the desert and the mountain, he learned to make bbqs (huge thing in the north of Mexico) and he walks very fast; as fast as Lili, awesome girl, Lili is amazing in every way, she is a salsa queen, smart, pretty, and with a peculiar sense of humor that makes you want to hug her after each true laugh you share with her. Lili is the perfect confident, someone you can really trust. I met her years ago, in Monterrey (my hometown), it was funny ‘cause back then we were never close, now we joke that it was like in those cartoons that every time I would enter the room, by chance she would go to the toilet, and when she would came into the room again, I was just leaving and so, the point is, that although we hanged with the same people and in the same places, we just…never were exactly in the same place at the same time, last year we worked together in Chihuahua, and I must say that without both of them, my life there would not have been the same. Henry fall in love with Lili the night he saw her dancing with a Lord-Vader helmet, and being as cute and caring as he is, he won her heart and now they are getting married!, I told Lili this was going to happen, I told her that since they both walk very fast, they were going to get married and after all, they did, I was right, I guess at the end all you need is someone who can walk next to you, not behind or ahead, but always at your side. They are coming to France after the wedding, and stay on this side of the ocean for a while. I’m sure they will have a life full of joy and happiness; I really wish them all the best. They make me keep the faith you know? Faith in good people and as Daniel Johnston sings “True love will find you in the end”; and it might come, from the person you less expects. Congratulations for Lili and Henry, all the best. (wow, I have a knot in my throat ) – ojo de Candy! ...love you guys :)

IBIZA ROCKS!! BIG TIME, Heaven's here on earth, angels included... Ibiza is the party place for excellence, best clubs in the world, top DJs. White sand and turquoise water, love at first sight every five minutes, a 24hr, 7 days a week non stop party, real rock an roll. I’ll never forget our last night at Pacha, where BodyRockers performed their DJ set and I danced and danced and danced and then went to the chillout terrace and watch the sunrise with a stupid smile that still comes to my face every time I think about it.. Clubbing at night: Amnesia,
Pacha, clubbing at day at Bora Bora. We watch the sunrise in one side of the island and the sunset in the other side at Cafe del Mar, we went everywhere in our scooter, from private beaches to
Kumharas sunset bar. When I die, if God thinks that I deserve to go to Heaven I’m gonna ask him to send me back to
Sa Trinxa Bar at 'Las Salinas', and If he things that I deserve Hell, well, at least I can say 'wow, what a ride!'
My new favourite person in the world.
Mi nueva persona favorita del planeta es Philip :) del bar 'Sin Copa', en Barcelona. Philip tiene 20 años (pero de fiesta), Philip ha viajado por todo el mundo, se comio un peyote en Real de 14 donde vio "hasta a sus antepasados", se acoplo a un toquin en la UNAM y visito a una tribu de canibales en Africa; Philip habla contigo y no puedes dejar de reir y sentir que la vida es una fiesta, Philip habla todos los idiomas, saluda a todo el mundo y todos sonrien al verle, Philip toma caballitos de vodka y jamas pierde el tono; se fascina con su maqueta de musicos que tiene pegados al techo, y que debes ver de cabeza para comprender la imagen; incluso puso al ingeniero de audio con su lamparita y una botella de agua a cada uno de los musicos. Philip escucha reggae y baila mientras cambia los discos y toca un instrumento super curioso, una combinacion de maracas y castañuelas.. Philip es una de esas personas que hacen que el mundo sea mejor, que hace que sonrias aunque hayas tenido el peor dia de tu vida, en su bar te sientes como en casa, y si no tenias amigos, ahi te acoplas y hablas de lo que nunca imaginaste existiera, en los ojos de Philip puedes ver, que es humano, que tiene veinte años de fiesta y que la vida es maravillosa.
Back form my trip to Spain, it was amaaazin’ .. I love Barcelona, I want to live there! The food is fantastic, amazing architecture, friendly happy people.. Beautiful sunny weather, the sea. There’s creativity everywhere, from the Gaudi houses to the street graffiti, people there just have amazing ways of expressing themselves, and turn the city into a lively, endless ludic playground.
I walked forever through the narrow streets of the Barrio Gotico, spend hours admiring la Sagrada Familia, exploring the Park Guell, and enjoying the street performances by the “statues” at las Ramblas, Brazilian Capoeira, skaters, dancers.. everything amazed me, I was so happy that I cried at the airport the day I left and told the lady at the check in desk that I didn’t want to leave! That I was very happy there! And she said “well, don’t leave girl, stay” (words of wisdom).