Tuesday, August 22, 2006

In need of a miracle.

I need divine intervention! I’m not gonna make it! I’m not gonna make it! .. Three weeks time to hand in my Dissertation and I still have to write more than half of it in half the time! I’m even praying to San Jose de Cupertino, Saint of students, (yes, I believe in God, Mary, the saints, the angels, ghosts, everyone above). Why did I came to do a master degree? Why did I came so far away from home, Why?... Crap, tomorrow I have an emergency meeting with my supervisors, and I have to show my draft, ha! Draft.. is that a club in Ibiza? . I’m sure they are going to yell at me, Julienne might even have a heart attack, gosh.
I have only had this feeling once, years ago, at uni; it was 5am and I was still working on mi model for a 7am presentation with Lenoir and his chambers of torture (those who’ve been in his class know what I mean). I remember calmly staring at my model, accepting the defeat. I’m tired of eating sandwiches and drinking coffee, thanks to God and the Internet, at least now we don’t have to listen 500 times the same CD.
And although everyone around me is working on their dissertations as well, I feel that I’m doing worse than everyone. Hope my mom is praying for me, she is a saint, they will listen to her. From now on I’m going to be a good girl, for real. I’ll light a candle tonight.
'Ora si me esta cargando la chingada, no la libro pa acabar la tesis, ya hasta le estoy rezando a San Jose de Cupertino, patron de los estudiantes. Pa que me vine a hacer una maestria, pa que me vine tan lejos, a ver... Me lleva, mañana tengo junta urgente con mis supervisores para mostrar avance, y mi avance se quedo en las playas del Mediterraneo, me cae.
Me recuerda entregas finales del Tec, con Lenoir y sus camaras de tortura. Ya me canse de comer lonches y de tomar cafe, gracias a Dios y al internet al menos ahora uno no tiene que escuchar 500 veces el mismo CD.
Me quedan tres semanas, a ver si la libro. Y todo mundo anda en friega, pero no se, yo siento que voy peor que todos. Ojala mi mamacita santa este rezando por mi, a ella si le hacen caso, no que a mi, pecadora, ya voy a llevar una vida dedicada al bien, enserio. Hoy si prendo la veladora.


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