IBIZA ROCKS!! BIG TIME, Heaven's here on earth, angels included... Ibiza is the party place for excellence, best clubs in the world, top DJs. White sand and turquoise water, love at first sight every five minutes, a 24hr, 7 days a week non stop party, real rock an roll. I’ll never forget our last night at Pacha, where BodyRockers performed their DJ set and I danced and danced and danced and then went to the chillout terrace and watch the sunrise with a stupid smile that still comes to my face every time I think about it.. Clubbing at night: Amnesia,
Pacha, clubbing at day at Bora Bora. We watch the sunrise in one side of the island and the sunset in the other side at Cafe del Mar, we went everywhere in our scooter, from private beaches to
Kumharas sunset bar. When I die, if God thinks that I deserve to go to Heaven I’m gonna ask him to send me back to
Sa Trinxa Bar at 'Las Salinas', and If he things that I deserve Hell, well, at least I can say 'wow, what a ride!'
Esa Rosy González de la Garza Cantú Treviño... que bueno encontrarla por aquí y leerla, i ñor, que hasta allá se acuerda del terruño que dejó más solo que nada.
Jeje. Saludos Rosy.
OIga mi Rous:
Páseme su dirección pa enviarle su credencial de elector y mi versión pictográfica del susodicho viaje.
P.D. Gracias por el apoyo moral telefónico durante el asunto de creamfields andalucía.
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