Through the Looking-Glass...and what Alice found there.

eehh! Was great to read some comments from Rafael and EOIN! Haven’t heard from Hawkridge-people in a while, almost thought they didn’t existed at all.
Big cities like London have that peculiarity, one carries on with life doing nothing, doing everything, and suddenly realize that 3 months have passed like three weeks, people go away, people come back…n' you don't have time to miss anyone 'cause you are always meeting new characters.
I’ve had unexpectedly deep conversations with strangers on bars and never seen them again.. I’ve spent hours drinking with friends talking of nothin´, I lived a whole love story in one month and carried on with a ‘temporary job’ longer than expected.
someone, happens all the time, and I believe all events are related,
6 degrees of separation, that's the formula, every six degrees you meet someone who leaves an echo that stays in you for ever, every six degrees, you find yourself in a situation with a turn point potentiality.
Digressions, the only point here was that I don’t wanna loose the cool people I’ve met, so please keep in touch.
nothin to say.

I’m angry..with myself, ‘cause I just get stressed and, not really do anything about it. I need a job but I’m being really inefficient about it, hate it.
Stupid papers, if it were not for visa matters I could happily carry on working on bars, but nnnooooooo, lets make life difficult, lets make illegal for Mexicans to stay in a fun place, so if you want to stay here, u have to do boring stuff like.. goin’ to an office.
Stupid rosa, grow.
Pic. View from my new room, at Elephant and Castle now. South of tha rivaaaaaa’ ese.
Harvey's b'day

Harvey came with a cool idea for his b’day.. instead of getting wasted and dance ‘till the morning, as we always do, he did a
brunch, marvellous. and then a painting session, where everyone painted his/her own small canvas..great fun, and when the night came, mmhhh, ye, we got drunk and danced ‘till the morning… as we always do.
Pics: Lauren, Lina, Harvey, Ed, Mariana & Steven, Ailen & friend, Juan & Ken.
Felicidades Harvey, u r the best ;)
por donde empezar... en el 90? hijole ya llovio.antes en los conciertos yo brincaba y bailaba sin parar, ahora no se en que estado raro me meto (NO no es la edad, y si si que) que solo me quedo imnotizada siguiendo cada acorde cada mirada, cada expresion, a veces veo la imagen a traves de las docenas de camaras o celulares y luego enfoco la imagen real pensando "si, es el mejor" ...y jamas tendras idea, del mar de interpretaciones que abre cada una de tus canciones: jamas sabras, que rosita asistio a su PRIMER concierto de "rock n roll" en el '90... Soda Stereo en la Monumental Plaza de Toros Monterrey, que la flaca se enamoro escuchando Amor Amarillo en el Auditorio Coca Cola, que si mi vida fuese una frase, esa seria "si algo calle, es porque entendi todo, menos la distancia", que Perdonar es divino y que para mi, SIEMPRE ES HOY.
Que cada vez que escucho "Puente" dejo de hacer lo que este haciendo y recorro momentos y personajes que no quiero recordar todos los dias, no es secreto que nunca se borro tu cicatriz en mi .
Que cuando ando de bajon, nada me devuelve a la tierra, como cerrar la puerta de mi habitacion y escuchar Bocanada, en silencio, pensando en nada.
Fue en el 2004, en el Teatro de la Ciudad del DF, cuando me di cuenta, que estas 'canciones elejidas' siempre han estado conmigo, que Cerati "puso las canciones en mi walkman"-FP-
Primer concierto en Londres, Ahi Vamos, lleno de mexicanos, argentinos, colombianos pidiendo a gritos "Persiana Americana" que no saben que dejo de tocar eso HACE AÑOS??...primerisima fila.
Nacho libre

Here’s Loco in his ju-jit-zu tournament.. he lost, BUT, can’t complain that he has lots of good friends as everyone showed up to support him and have a few pints afterwards.
Sorry to Sarina and Ed, we left them behind (and waved from the cab!) ...blame it on the booze.