Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Through the Looking-Glass...and what Alice found there.

eehh! Was great to read some comments from Rafael and EOIN! Haven’t heard from Hawkridge-people in a while, almost thought they didn’t existed at all.
Big cities like London have that peculiarity, one carries on with life doing nothing, doing everything, and suddenly realize that 3 months have passed like three weeks, people go away, people come back…n' you don't have time to miss anyone 'cause you are always meeting new characters.
I’ve had unexpectedly deep conversations with strangers on bars and never seen them again.. I’ve spent hours drinking with friends talking of nothin´, I lived a whole love story in one month and carried on with a ‘temporary job’ longer than expected.

Something, someone, happens all the time, and I believe all events are related, 6 degrees of separation, that's the formula, every six degrees you meet someone who leaves an echo that stays in you for ever, every six degrees, you find yourself in a situation with a turn point potentiality.

Digressions, the only point here was that I don’t wanna loose the cool people I’ve met, so please keep in touch.


At 6:21 am, Blogger GABO said...

Rose, we don't forget you. Adriana and Gabo from Auburn, Alabama... Youall!!!

At 7:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FLACA! hjahjahjahj es cierto, always flaca x_n es q la pic esa de loco sta media bizarre y te ves mas chonchis hjehjehj uouououoooooops!

eee xcierto acabo de terminar de leer ese libro [thru the lookin glass],,, puro disparate jhajah Ô__ô

un abrazonnnn hasta cold london!


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