Sarina's b-day.

Time goes by in a funny way lately, I don’t even know what day is it, working on weekends goin’ out on weekdays, makes it all so confusing… and I miss home so much!! everybody is going home for holidays but me, (where is home?) … Home is where no one asks “so, for how long you have been here?.. “what are you doing here?” where you don’t have to justify your presence, where you don’t feel you can’t buy anything ‘cause you are leaving soon anyway. Oh well, the weekend was fun, Hoxton bar and Kitchen on Sunday ‘till they close, it always puts me in a good mood to see my friends, we ended up drinking beers in the roundabout outside Xavier’s place. I woke up on Monday with such a BAD hangover..then when I went home, ate and take a shower, I just opened my books getting ready to start my thesis work…but Xavier called ‘cause it was Sarina’s b’day, so we met her on a Heavy Metal bar in Soho, I thought nobody was listening to Iron Maiden anymore, felt like been in high school again, Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Misfits, it was fun.
El tiempo pasa y no de largo, no se ni en que día vivo, eso de trabajar los fines de semana y salir en lunes es muy confuso.. Además extraño mi casa y la comida deliciosa de mi mamaa! Extraño estar donde nadie te pregunte: Y tu que haces aquí? De donde eres? …En fin, el domingo pasado vi el partido con unos compas italianos luego al antro y cuando cerraron nos compramos unas caguamas y nos las tomamos afuerilla de casa de Loco, me senti en Monterrey… luego el lunes me fui al cumpleaños de una comadre en un antro metalero, como en la prepa ca’, escuchando a Iron Maiden, Metallica y Misfits… hmm, se me hace que por eso traigo el home sick.
Pic: Xavier, Phillina, Sarina n more people.
ya mero rositaaaa, no se desespere.
And I think to my seeelf, what a wonderfull life XXXXXXXXxxxxxxx.
Se siente padre verte aunque sea en fotos.
Saludos al Loco y ya portate bien.
FLOR. ehh! que chido q veas mi blog! ay sales en unas fotos de Mty, checate el archivo de Dic. 2005 :)
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