Feeling blue :(
Feeling blue... is 1am, just comin’ back from work… had a beer on my own at Elephant’s head, thinking “there’s no love for me” (I know, drama-rosa)..now I’m gonna cook something and eat it, on my own… at least I have a nice Casillero del Diablo . I need a real job, a real flat, a boyfriend, at least a friend who can join me for a drink on a blue day.. aagh, I hate this feeling. Ok, tomorrow is a new day.
see ya'.
Ando de bajon... es la 1am y vengo llegando del jale, me heche una cheve sola con mi soledad en una cantinita del rumbo, pensando "yo no naci para amar", y extrañando que aqui los bares no tengas rocola con canciones de Los Intocables del Norte, como en chihuas.'Ora me voy a cocinar pa mi solita porque ni tengo perro a quien darle las sobras, al menos tengo una buena botella de Casillero. Aggh, me choca el trip de "no tengo jale, no tengo novio, no tego depa" pero es vdd! Bueno ya, mañana sera otro dia. 'ay se ven.
Tish's b'day

Cool weekend..chill-out beers on Friday evening at the opening of Bartlett Summer Show (that's the UCL School of Architecture), and then a last beer with Nev at Bartok in Camden..Sat I worked on a wedding 'till late, and Sunday, Tish's b'day! drinks at Ruby and then dance all night long at Sosho, it was good, I really needed a session of booze, brownies and tunes ;)
Estuvo agusto el fin... viernes, inauguracion de la expo de arquitectura en la escuela, y luego cheves en Camden, el sabado estuve chambeando en una boda hasta tarde y el domingo rockanroll con los Ruby's, la Tish cumplio años, asi que a pistear desde en la tarde y luego al antro a amanecerla bailando, eeehh! Ya me hacia falta salir enserio.
Pic: Tish, Jeff, Mario n' Jules.
Girls Night Out!

Lots of new things happening lately, I got a summer job as a waitress (kind of Palahniuk's Project Maythem thing) finally got a bank account, aanndd have to start with my thesis work VERY SOON. It's all good. Pic: Drinks with friends last Tuesday at Soho.
La flaca en friega: Acabo de empezar a chambear de mesera, finalmente abri cuenta de banco, tengo que empezar la tesis YA, la bienal de arquitectura esta aqui..Todo va, todo va. Foto con mis comadres en un "martecitos" de Vips.
Pic: Olga, me, Sav, Soo, Lora last tuesday at Freud's.
Paris, France

Paris is Jose & Aude in Love, is good food, croissants, coffee in the morning and wine in the evening, cute guys, cute streets, fashion, Notre Dame, crepes, houses with big windows, Tshumi's Parc de La villete, Le Corbusier, Centre Pompidou, people talking smoothly and gently, spring, love, friends... and always, a good coffee.
El Mario

My friend Mario who's like my brother in London. Love you! Xx
Mi super compa el Mario...brother de la peda, la fiesta y el baile.
Early morning walk by the canal

Last week was sunny and hot and great...lots of bbqs and chillout evenings, Saturday was great, chill at Harvey’s flat in the evening and then clubbing with Jimmy and he's friends...something peculiar happened, you know how is like, when you just don’t connect nor with the people nor a place? That happened to me at The Egg (Awful club by the way, never go there) So I just immersed myself into a distant bubble, out of touch with everything and everyone..funny feeling, I felt bad ‘cause it was my friend Jimmy’s last night out before going back home, and I was such in a weird mood, anyway, I got out of the club at 8am, and since I was not tired I just walked home, 8am by the canal, it was so calm and peaceful, perfect... beautiful.. I needed a walk, lots of things in my head that day.
Pic of Paul at Raf's flat.
Hay solecito en Londres y se pone buenisimo, carnes asadas y nochecitas chillout, el sabado estuvo super agusto, chill en el depa de Harvey y luego me fui de clubbing con Jimmy y sus compas a un antro que se llama El Huevo, pero estaba horrible! jamas me conecte con la gente ni con el lugar..me clave en mi propio trip..Sali de ahi a las 8am y del malviaje me fui caminando hasta mi casa, pero eso, estuvo conmadre...yo solita caminando al lado de un canal que atraviesa todo londres, patos, gente pescando…super lindo y surreal. Me aliviano conmadre.
Foto de mi compa paul en el depa de Mario y Raf.
ok, bye.

- Hi doll… nice tan
- thanks!, I like your tail,
From my room

Life is good :)
Haciendo recuento de los daños...estoy feliz, jaja, beso a todos.
End of term visit to V&A + Bartlett BBQ

Solecito en el Museo V&A y luego carne asada y borrachera.
No more classes

Finito with classes and assignemnts! by the way, What I'm doing in London is a Housing MSc at UCL, meaning social housing form the architectonic - urban planning point of view. Eeeeeverything about it, construction materials, renewable energy technology, urban regeneration, antropological perspective of meaning of home (my favorite topic), community involvement and a bit of finance. Uff! gud one ;)
Ya acabe con clases y trabajos del master, ora nomas me falta la tesis. Por cierto mi master es en Vivienda Social, oseeeea casitas Infonaviteras, pero chidas, la vdd los ingleses si se han aventado unos proyectos super interesantes en vivienda, asi q estudio todo:diseño, materiales, tecnologia sustentable, rollo phenomenologico y finanzas, esta bueno.
Anjas farewell party

Anjas farewell party..we miss you girl!
Mi super comadre Anja que alrato regresa para rentar un depa juntas, va a estar bueno.
Pic: Hawkridge Family!

My friend Nevena... we think she is a princess pretending to be a bulgarian student. I liked the candels. Pic. at Anjas farewell dinner party.
Mi comadre Nevena que es toda una princess. Foto en la cena de mi otra comadre Anja que se fue a Italia quesque a investigar no se que bailes tarantelos.
Sultan's elephant!

Sultan's elephant in London, yee! This elephant is a travel machine, the thing is, that the Sultan is searching for a girl who travels in time and space, so he built the elephant to travel around the world to find her...They came to London in May. it was beautiful.
El sultan y su elefante vinieron a Londres en Mayo, el elefante es una maquina de tiempo en la que el sultan busca a una chica que viaja por paises a traves del tiempo..sera que me los llevo a Mexico?

I went to Brussels and Bruges for a day, is nice... maybe TOO nice, something is just...not right, kind of beeing on a set of doll houses, you feel scared of braking somethin'...funny feeling in that town.
El otro dia fui a Brujas, esta extraño ese lugar, todo es super lindo, pero como que demasiado lindo, parecen casitas de muñecas que en cualquier momento se rompen... pueblo pirata.
Lady Luck night out.

All dressed up ready for a "Lady Luck" night, check out my gloves, uuuh!...cool club, great jazzy, mambo, rockabilly tunes... great fun! we danced so much! Check it out:
http://www.ladyluckclub.co.uk/ we ended up at 8am dancing at Loco's place, then I went home n pack to catch the 11am train to Paris..yeee!
Noche de "Lady Luck", es un antro burrlesque buenisimo, pura vida...ese dia la amanecimos bailando y de ahi me fui en vivo a Paris a visitar a Aude y a Jose, pura vida!
Pic: Loco, Raf, Louise & me.
I love these guys

I love these guys.... Raf's dinner party last month. Pic with Philline an Aeleen.
My bro's

My super-brothers, Family in London, no doubt :) Loco, Philline, Mario & Raf, Love u guys!

My first pic on the blog! cool.... ok, this is London.
A ver, apenas le ando agarrando la onda a como subir fotos, ok, esta es una fotillo de Londres con su rio, esta lindo no?