The Grinch

I hate X-mas, makes me all sensitive and home-sick, hate it hate it hate it, on Monday I was on a super-rush ‘cause had a deadline at work, so was running like Flash-Gordon to buy a sandwich and I fell and hurt my foot, and now is all purple and big like an empanada (sorry, don’t know the translation, but it’s like a fat taco, you can see it in the pic), it hurt BIG TIME. I just want to be at home!! In my bed, no rush…everybody is buying stupid X-mas presents and getting ready to go home, I ask (just for politeness ‘cause I don’t really care) ‘when are you goin home’ and I can see my friend’s illuminated faces answering ‘tomorrow’ or ‘next weekend’, and their smile actually makes me smile… I don’t even want to call my parents ‘cause then I miss them even more.
So I was with mi big purple foot on a bar havin’ a drink, and I must looked really sad ‘cause the bar tender didn’t charged me for the Guinness, and even showed me a private gallery (with cool paintings by the way) at the attic of the bar, and God knows how I love secret passages, attics and galleries, made me happy :)
On the bright side, Xavier brought the answer to my pain, he gave me this hard-core pain killer that you can only get in Mexico, and now my foot is all right, still big, but slowly getting to it’s normal size. Is good to have him around, always said he’s like my brother.
By the way… empanadas is what I eat at home on special occasions, my grandma used to made them, ‘cause she is from Chile, and they eat empanadas in Chile, they are filled with meat, tuna or cheese, my favourite are the cheese ones.
Tienes pata de tamal en hoja de platano!! sssssss mal trip pero tomese la medecina y vera ke retebien se va aste a poner!!!
eeeeeee No mames pinche gente compradora de oxford street, son unos pendejos. Hoy choque con un señor ke se cruzo la luz verde, el viejo pendejo!!! Nambre me duele el hombre y mi dedo indice de la izquierda, y el hombro. Aprete tan fuerte los frenos ke por eso me duele la mano. Pinche ruco pendejo! Bueno ahi te dejo , los dos estamos todos cuchos! hahaha!! Eeeee no se aguite!!! vas aver ke no la vamos a pasar bien cabron en navidad!!! sabrezzzzzzz!!! adios pata de tamal oaxaqueño!
Que onda con ustedes dos que se andan pegando por ahí... todos mal..
Oye Flaquita aunque no le guste la navidad, ya sabe que acá estamos pensando en usted y que la queremos mucho...
Te mando millones de besos..
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