Me with Marielo & Nikola in Bilbao.

Bilbao means goin' from one bar to the other drinking beer, eating tapas, talking to friends… life seems easier, for sure is the sun and the closeness to the sea. Makes me happy to see people in love, gives hope, I’m not sure in what hope.
Bilbao is good food.. I ate SO MUCH there, drank a lot as well, now I have a beer belly so no more beer in the next days for me: stick to vodka ;)
Pic: Nikola, me, Marielo, Xavier.
Flaquitaaaa.... esta foto esta con madre porque tengo la cabeza flotando entre los hombros tuyos y del sapoliónciego.. jejje.. my super head-rock ssss jejeje
y la otra foto donde estas con la cheve esta más con madre aún..
besos Rosita.. cuida al Changolión que ahora te necesita
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