The real Acknowledgements

First of all, to the Guy above, and also
“….I would like to express my warmest gratitude to Professor Julienne Hanson, who helped me through critical moments in the production of this dissertation…” and to STINE , my cool flatmate who wrote this acknowledgment among other stuff a few hours before my submission! who patiently listened my every-night complaints about my useless supervisor, and LIFE.. to RAFAEL!! Super-bro ‘cause I woke him up at 3am freaking out ‘cause I was not gonna finish; not only he wrote my bibliography but thanks to his cool-chill attitude I managed to put myself together and finish my work. To Hamis & Nabim (Timon & Pumbaa) the two African guys always in the computer room, ‘cause life is easier when you have nice people around, special thanks to Nabim who always got food for me… To the guy at ‘Italia Uno’, for making the best coffee in London, and delicious sandwiches, that for a minute take all you troubles away, by thinking “hey, this is actually a very good Panini”, to Starbucks for the iced-mocha with whipped cream and the delicious carrot, chocolate, lemon pies muffins and cookies!
To OLGUITA my partner in this martirium, always cheering me by “hey! I did I focus group today! Now I see the light!”.. and to all the HF girls; for being cool and supportive to one another.
And finally to and Wikipedia, for making students life easier.
Yeeeeeeeee !!!!! WE DID IT !!!!
ojala que tengas una buena calificacion!
esos agradecimientos sonaron a despedida...
ahora que haras rositaaa??
abrazo fuete
Mucha suerte con el resultado de tu tesis, seguro de irá de pocas.
un abrazo
oooohhhh rositina mia!!!!!!
I will always remember your phone call at 4 o'clock asking me how is going in total panic ...and at the end tellin me "Thanks for calling olguita!"...ehehhehehehe
total panic but IT IS DONEEEE!!!!!!!!...this..martyrium is finished!!!! :)
Hope you are fine lets go for a pint!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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