no worries

It's all happening.. I'm smiling in Mexico at the beach, dancing with Daft Punk live at Hyde Park-London, waking up to go to work (new project in Bahrain now), super happy 'cause Graciela arrives from New York tomorrow!! aaannddd going to Jose's wedding in Nantes in a couple of weeks... sing along! 'aroound the worrrrld, around the wo-o-rrld'
Pic. Playa del carmen, Mexico. last month.

My body landed in London a couple of days ago, but I must say that my mind and soul are still far far away..This pic is HOME, La Huasteca: 6km from my house in Monterrey, we used to go there to play drums, tu get drunk, for rock climbing, mountain bike, take pictures, or just to be there and breathe and think or not to think, Graciela and I used to go there a lot...this is my favourite place on earth.
Ya regrese a London pero mi mente sigue del otro lado...como olvidar las tamboreadas hipitecas en la Huasteca, o acabar ahi despues del antro hechando las ultimas chelas, raves, escalar, irme en la bici, ir ahi a pensar o a no pensar, a tomar fotos, a cotorrear con la Graciela... este es mi lugar favorito en el planeta. Pic: La Huasteca, MONTERREY, NUEVO LEON, MEXICO.....Que chulada.